Archive for the ‘ Sound Theory ’ Category

The Dialog Chain: what, why, how? (Part 3)

In the last part we discussed the significance of the main dialog compressor on the dialog chain.  Now let’s cover the last items in the chain: another layer of EQ  and/or a De-Esser, and a limiter. Read the rest of this entry »

The Dialog Chain: what, why, how? (Part 1)

The dialog chain refers to the series of plugins and processing through which all of your dialog travels on its way out to your master mix.  This is the place where each mixer creates their own special flavor, and is the source of greatest differentiation between different dialog mixers.  A certain amount of it is taste, another amount definitely hocus-pocus.  But there are key things that can be applied globally to your dialog via your chain that really improve things.  Here are a few of my recommendations for your dialog chain in Pro Tools.

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