Archive for December, 2010

Final Cut Pro OMFs and 24F: don’t be fooled!

Oh Apple, we love you.  But sometimes you do frustrating things.  Such is the case with OMFs coming out of Final Cut Pro from sequences that are done at 23.98 FPS.  You’re working at 23.98, your media is at 23.98, and your video output is at 23.98 – so why do you try to trick us Pro Tools operators with OMFs that export at 24F?  What to do?

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Speedy mixing: it’s all about the automation (part 2)

So you’ve gotten the hang of working with Latch Prime and Write To Next Breakpoint.  So what else can you do to hurry things along during your mix?  One incredibly useful tool to get familiar with is AutoMatch.

AutoMatch is the process of telling a track that’s currently writing automation to return to the pre-existing automation value during play.  It’s the tool that allows you to ease back into your existing automation during an automation-writing pass.  It’s called AutoMatch because you “match” back into your existing mix. Read the rest of this entry »

Speedy mixing: it’s all about the automation (Part 1)

Mixes usually need to be turned around quickly.  They also need to be good.  So if you’re in the hot seat, it’s best to get a handle on the automation techniques in Pro Tools that allow you to work well and efficiently.  Fortunately with the arrival of Pro Tools 9, all of the professional automation features can finally be had on even the smallest of setups. Read the rest of this entry »